Skeletal Mesh Sizes and Their Effects On Child Actors

This week we had a strange issue with some hitboxes. The hitboxes for the Apple Tree boss enemy were extremely large when socketed into the skeletal mesh as child actors. This was an issue we had not encountered before with any other character so we were very confused. As shown above, the green lines represent/highlight what the hitboxes looked like in the UE5 Blueprint editor viewport. They were very clearly way too big, but we had no idea why. After verifying the scaling of the weapon blueprints, hitbox blueprints, and child actors of the Apple Tree - we were stumped. The only thing I could think of was an issue with the sockets themselves, so I went into the skeletal mesh where the sockets were added and discovered the root of the Apple Tree had a default scaling of 100.0 in each axis. 

At first we tried to set the scaling back down to 1.0 but that caused the entire skeletal mesh to enlarge and generally break. 

To fix the issue we had to go to each weapon socket and scale them down by a 1/100. 

This brought the hitboxes back to a usable size. 

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