Major Perforce Issues

This week my job was supposed to be finalizing NPC mechanics, however, Perforce had different plans for me. I started off my workday as I usually do, getting the latest revision before beginning work, I would begin to regret this decision. When I got the latest revision my visual studios and Unreal Engine project decided not to function.

We just thought it was a simple error by someone else, but even with fixing a potential error it ended up affecting every team member in the group, we spent hours upon hours trying to find solutions online, and eventually one of my group members did discover an answer to this problem. They decided to download a new preview version of Visual Studios so that it would be able to run Unreal Engine, this solution ended up working for every group member except for myself. I had to spend even more time not working on anything towards the game and just towards getting my project to a point where I could continue work again. Even spending the whole night working on fixing my issues it did not get any better whatsoever, so I had to wait till the next day getting no work done unfortunately so that I could ask the teacher to help me find a solution to this issue. He ended up fixing my issue by doing lots of force revisions as well as moving my entire project to another drive. The next few days I had personal stuff I had to attend to so I was not able to get any work done, but I made sure that as soon as I got to my free day I would get back to work and make up for the lost time. However, as soon as that day rolled by, the same situation occurred, except now worse, I could open Unreal, but I could not see any of what I had checked out, with another few hours wasted on trying to solve these issues I discovered that my group member had somehow deleted all my files on my local drive.

I spent another sleepless night trying and trying but nothing could be done. Once the next day came by I was able to get with my group and we were able to find a solution, we ended up reverting my changes and redownloading the entire project for the hundredth time, and it ended up solving everything. Overall my most stressful week of work yet.

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